Thursday, April 29, 2010

Scottish Dance, Supernatural, End of Semester

I wanted to find an image that addressed both aspects of this post. Apparently this is what google comes up with for the search terms "haunted bagpipes" :)

Along with all of the work that had to be done, there was a mandatory rehearsal for the Scottish May Day demo tonight. We needed a chance to practice with our new music – bagpipes! They sound so perfect. The jig, Roaring Jelly, has been burned into my brain and I can do it in my sleep. The strathspey, Lantern Light has beautiful figures, however, I was not able to be very graceful after a minimal amount of sleep. I must also review the pousette right round for this dance. I switch genders from time to time for some reason. I am not a woman! Finally we went through the advanced dance, Pinewoods Reel/Founders’ Reel. I completely fucked this one up, and I usually don’t do that. I need sleep! The first figure is a figure of 8 around the couple next to me, not around my own place. Also, half rights and lefts comes after the crown grand chain, not burling! I need to stop going in the wrong direction. I must remember: shoulders back, head up, and smile. The footwork is generally good, but I need more turnout in my feet and more bend in the knee for the strathspey. I also need more patience for very particular/excitable people and dance instructors. I think it’s just that time of the semester.

After dance I stopped by a friend’s room to pick up a foil with major issues that needs fixing, so I can work on it before tomorrow’s fencing practice. I ran into another friend and started talking at length about a paper I will be writing for Lesbian Immortal next week, because it has to do with Supernatural! (squee of squeeness) I plan to do more research on the theory about the characterization of the lesbian other in horror film,and how she is demonized. My focus is a close reading of Supernatural, dealing with the character Lilith. My main points with her have to do with the queer child, possession, shared bodies, the uncanny, and the fact that it may seem like she has no future, yet she is triumphant in the end over the male demon hunters by breaking the last seal and bringing about the apocalypse. There will be more to come. This definitely felt like productive procrastination, but I have other work due before the end of classes that holds very little interest. I must get it done, because there are so many things to which we can look forward – May Day, interesting research, rewatching Supernatural episodes for class! This marathoning will begin with Lilith’s first appearance…Jus in Bello.

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